Unseen Passage For Class 7

Unseen Passage For Class 7- Dear students, Here in this post we are providing Unseen Passage For Class 7 with their solutions. These passages are very useful for students to practice their reading and writing skills and also important with a view to the exams.

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Unseen Passage For Class 7

Since the dawn of creation people have considered the lion as a wonderful animal. The male lion looks so majestic and strong that he has been called the king of all wild animals. People admire the lion so much that he has found an important place in the art and literature of the world.

Long ago lions were found everywhere in India. But today they are confined only to the Gir forest of Kathiawar. There, too, their number has considerably declined.

What happened to all the lions that lived all over India? There are many reasons why the lion population has gone down. But the main cause is the indiscriminate killing of lions. Hunting and killing of lions has always been considered a great sport and some people, particularly the upper classes, were very fond of it. It is said that a British official killed four hundred lions in a few years in central India.

Another reason for the fall in the number of lion is said to be the coming of tigers to India. They came from Siberia through China. Tigers were more ferocious, stronger and more cunning than the lions. Tigers and lions could not live together. There were fights between them whenever they met. The tigers always won. So the lions had to run and take refuge in places where there were no tigers. As the tiger population increased, their dominion spread wider and wider. The lions moved further and further away and finally found refuge in the Gir forest of Kathiawar, an area that did not suit the tigers.

The lion belongs to the cat family. Yet the male lion does not look like a cat, mainly because of the mane. A full-grown male lion has a beautiful thick bushy mane, which gives a majestic appearance.

Read The Passage And Answer The Questions

(1)- Why id the lion called the king of all wild animal?

Ans- The lion is called the king of all wild animals because it looks very majestic and strong.

(2)- How do you say that people admire the lion?

Ans- People admire the lion so much that he has found an important place in the art and literature of the world.

(3)- Give two reasons for the decline of the lion population in India?

Ans- Reasons for the decline of the lion population in India:

(i)- The main cause is the indiscriminate killing of lions for sport.

(ii)- Another reason is the coming of tigers to India. Tigers were more ferocious, stronger and more cunning. There were fights between them whenever they met.

(4)- Why are the lions found in the Gir forest only?

Ans- As the tiger population increased, the lions moved away and finally found refuge in the Gir forests, an area that did not suit the tigers.

(5)- Why doesn’t the male lion look like a cat?

Ans- The male lion doesn’t look a cat because of his beautiful thick bushy mane.

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