Comprehension Passage For Class 6

Comprehension Passage For Class 6- Dear students, Here in this post we are providing Comprehension Passage For Class 6 with their solutions. These passages are very useful for students to practice their reading and writing skills and also important with a view to the exams.

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Comprehension Passage For Class 6

In India working women lead a life of dual resonsibilities if they are married and have a family. In the West many women are hard-headed careerists and are committed to their jobs. Here in India women still have traditional roles to fulfil and prefer a career to avoid domestic drudgery.

There are four categories of working women in India. Some work while they are waiting for matrimony. A majority work because they are qualified, want a second income and a different kind of life for part of the day. A small section consists of career-women. A sizeable section of women are bread-winners.

It is quite apparent that with a majority of working women the family takes precedence over the job. They prefer to stay in joint families where their children can be taken care of while they are at work. When they come back in the evenings from the relatively modern surroundings of their work-spots, their personalities have to undergo a change to accommodate the demands on their time and attention by different family members whose predominant feelings are of having been neglected. These women often do their shopping on the way from office. They reserve their week-ends for heavy housework which will help them to cope with the rest of the week with relatively less tension. Week-ends are also reserved for spending time with their spouses and children, for entertainment, family duties, visits other such endless chores. Actually speaking they hardly have time for personal needs.

Despite the feedom and confidence of their jobs and pay packets, working women still prefer to leave the financial decision-making and budgeting to their husbands.

Read The Passage And Answer The Questions

(1)- Why does the author say that Indian working women have dual responsibilities?

Ans- The author says this because besides working, the Indian working women have the responsibility of caring for the family if they are married.

(2)- Why does the author say that in the West many women are hard-headed careerist?

Ans- In the West many women are hard-headed careerists because they are committed to their jobs.

(3)- What are the four categories of working women in India?

Ans- Those who work while waiting for matrimony.

(ii)- Those who work because they are qualified and wants a second income and a different kind of life.

(iii)- Those who want to make a career for themselves.

(iv)- Those who have to run their families.

(4)- Why do Indian working women prefer to stay in joint families?

Ans- Indian working women prefer to stay in joint families because their children can be looked after while they work.

(5)- Why do Indian working women do heavy housework during week-ends?

Ans- Indian working women do heavy housework during week-ends in order to cope with relatively less tension during working days.

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